Friday 16 November 2012


I'm thinking about starting some vlogs soon, I've got a vague plan of what to do. Trouble is I'm not really that confident I mean it was pretty hard for me to start doing this blog so putting myself up on screen and talking about random shit seems a little daunting, But I think I'll give it a go and see what happens. I'll try to expand on stuff that I've put on this blog since vlogs have the advantage of being able to show moving pictures and sounds it might be easier to put some points across. I feel that I wanna cover the topics that I cover in this blog; anime, video games, films and Japanese culture, I dunno how long they're gonna be I guess I'll have to see. I'm going to need to do some more planning though before I start so it might not happen for a while yet, maybe I should do one soon that acts as an introduction about me rather than wait for a topic to talk about I dunno really. I've made the channel and I'll notify on this blog every time I make a video, I'll try not to talk about exactly the same things as in this blog for variety. I think I'll aim to make at least one video within the next two weeks to get started.


Er well I did do a first vlog and left it up publically on youtube for a month but now I've decided "no just no, not yet" watching it again made me feel like a right bellend so I've put it on private for now and once I'm feeling more confident and have a few more vlogs I'll start putting them up on youtube. Don't know when that'll be though

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