Tuesday 22 January 2013

PC vs Console

Console or PC? Which one is better for gaming? Well me personally I prefer console, more specifically the PS3, but this doesn't mean that I think that PS3s are better on a technical level. When it comes to judging on which machine is better I think you've got to judge on it's potential, the freedom and power that it gives to games developers as well as users. On this aspect PCs win by a wide margin with powerful processors and more customizable parts than the consoles. So objectivly I'm saying PCs are better.

However I prefer my PS3 by far, Why? I honestly don't exactly know but I reckon it's more to do with it's nostalgic value for me. Playstation got me into appreciating the artistic value of video games (though it wasn't my first console, which was a mega drive) with games like final fantasy IX, MGS, legend of dragoon etc. I was enjoying games not only for the spectacle that they were, but also because I felt emotionally engaged with what I was interacting with.

I guess I would say this is where it really began for me

Then came PS2 and the mind-fuck game of the century MGS2, a decade ahead of it's time playing it made me experience things I wasn't expecting to experience in a video game. If you haven't played it then it's kind of difficult to describe the feeling, surreal is too vague, also I guess in a way it kind of felt like the game itself was talking to you (there are moments when this could be meant literally)....I dunno. Anyway I got Final Fantasy X, which I've still yet to complete and also had Gun as well which to this day I still feel has the best horse controls in any game.

Standing tall

With 2005 came the big trolling era of playstation with a pre-rendered Killzone 2 trailer that raised expectations slightly too much and a tech trailer with the opening sequence of Final Fantasy VII which was the equivalent of someone offering and showing you a cheque for £1,000,000,000,000 then having that someone snatch it back at the last second as you go to grab it. Not to mention the banana controller as well.


But PS3 came and still delivered plenty for me with games like Little Big Planet, MGS4, Final Fantasy XIII (I know it's not PS3 exclusive) and of course Journey. Now the games that I've mentioned are the ones which I feel have contributed most to develop my perception of video games as art. It's kind of difficult for me to decide if the list is accurate or not because this development was a slow one, I hardly noticed it. I didn't just play one or two games and instantly think "Hey Video Games are art" In fact I reckon that all of my games have contributed to this perception, one developed slowly over time.

My primary platform for gaming at present, I've got the fat version

So my gaming experience has revolved primarily around the playstation brand and I think this is why I prefer it to PC. It gives me a feeling that I get with no other platform, like a connection. I have to acknowledge though that this is a personal subjective viewpoint and shouldn't become a factor when judging which platform is objectively better. Also there's a difference between which one you should buy and which one is better quality-wise. When it comes to deciding which one you should buy you have to take into account what games are available such as exclusives, what kind of accessories the platform take, value for money etc. but when it comes to deciding which one is better quality-wise you have to look at the machine itself: power, customisable options, essentially like I said before how much potential the machine can give in regards to gaming.

I have faith that the PS4 will be the best next gen platform for me

Of course I also want to note that I'm not just sticking to playstation solely for nostalgic reasons, it still has to deliver. If Sony screw up with the PS4 then I ain't gonna play it and I'll change to something else. But I have faith......though there is something happening (mainly) in the console world that I'm not to happy about, I talk about it in my next post: Motion sensing.

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